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Monday, May 20, 2013

Welcome to CrazyGFX!

Posted by Cr4zyPPL On 7:05 AM No comments
Hey there!
Welcome to CrazyGFX, the place where you can get some pretty sweet MineCraft Graphics, Club Penguin graphics, Xat graphics, My Little Pony graphics, etc. for free!

This website will hopefully be up and running by June 1st, and might end sometime in August.
This website is currently under construction! Here's what we have yet to finish!:

  • Template/Theme
  • A .com domain name
  • More designers
  • Order forum
  • Pages
  • Banners
and so much more! Here's a bit about me:
I'm 14, and I love making graphics. I've owned 3 different graphic shops over the years because I got a lot of requests and I really enjoyed making graphics, even though I wasn't so good at them back then. One of my latest graphic shops that I made in Summer of 2012 is You wouldn't believe how many orders I got! It's stressful, but I loved it. Plus it gave me some experience for when I decide to become a graphic designer some day. I've gotten much better over the years and I love it more each day. Although, the internet has grown A LOT so I'm going to need some help! I'm going to have a forum where you can apply to become a Designer for CrazyGFX. More information coming soon!

Thank you for your patience, this website will soon be up and running!
~Cr4zyPPL/CPtodayiscool~ Admin


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